What Fresh Hellscape Is This?

A periodical cicada emerges every 17 years. I find it beneficial to have a minimal understanding of a wide range of subjects. I spent today delving into entomology. Everything with me is on a need to know basis. Given that the limited scope for safe topics of conversation has dwindled to weather and cicadas, my … Continue reading What Fresh Hellscape Is This?

Putin Has Murdered Alexei Navalny

It was inevitable. The prominent Russian anti-corruption activist, armed with a law degree and an engaging presence, Alexi Navalny spoke out, criticizing Putin's rule. He had 40 offices across the country dedicated to conducting investigations into high-level crime and human rights violations. These facilities were also used to organize Navalny’s political network. He was Putin’s … Continue reading Putin Has Murdered Alexei Navalny

Google Photos vs. This Fool and Her Money

Greetings, fools with money. Has anyone else noticed all the corporate conglomerates are raising their prices without improving service? No? Well, it’s just me then. I’ll share my story while you munch on your breakfast of caviar on toast points. It isn’t paranoia if it’s really happening, and it is. I believe Netflix, Apple, T-Mobile, … Continue reading Google Photos vs. This Fool and Her Money

Sarah Sanders, Does Arkansas Care?

The Christian Governor, from Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is a monster. I said it, and I’m not taking it back. She reversed Arkansas child labor laws, then applied her practiced smile for a photo-op with the species whose future she sold. They are well aware of what her agenda will do to them. As you … Continue reading Sarah Sanders, Does Arkansas Care?

The Mugshot Lie

‘Friends are witnesses to your life.’ Highlighting one of the drawbacks of living an isolated life, the above quote holds a different meaning if your name is Mister Donald Trump. Trump has been exposed for falsely reporting his height and weight. However, where that man is concerned, there will always be more lies. We have … Continue reading The Mugshot Lie

Mitch McConnell Has a Concussion… a limerick

(Not McConnell)Looney Tunes Cecil Turtle U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell Spends his second day in hospital,Suspicious? Foul-play?Slammed McCarthy, TuesdayNext day, Turtle down, injured cranial https://www.npr.org/2023/03/07/1161686255/fox-tucker-carlson-jan-6-security-tapes-mcconnell-manger https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64898451.amp