The Con-Car is Approaching its Final Destination

The most hated man in Manhattan, arrogant school yard bully, cheating rich kid cliché, the dumbest student Wharton has been bribed to matriculate, is about finished. He will end his days exposed as a violent lifetime criminal, guilty of espionage, treason, rape, RICO, and everything else. How did this joke of humanity grow into a … Continue reading The Con-Car is Approaching its Final Destination

Today I Put Dog Food in the Coffee Grinder

I had to put my 15-year-old pup down on Wednesday. I wrote about her just last week. I've been expecting this for over a year, not wanting to be the adult and make a decision. Tuesday night, she started bleeding. I took her to the pet ER, along with two of my three offspring. My … Continue reading Today I Put Dog Food in the Coffee Grinder