Yes, I Watched the Debate

Credit: Ronnie Palaski

I saw it and I am angry.

Let’s begin by addressing the question of President Joe Biden’s appearance. Yes, he looked his age. He was off his game, hoarse throughout. That was unfortunate, but doesn’t the threat to our democracy far outweigh the sound of President Biden’s voice when he speaks the truth? His start wasn’t stellar, searching for a word when his time ended, and they turned off his mic. I have had words fail me; this isn’t exclusive to any age group. While his age could have been a factor, it might instead have been the cold he’s reportedly fighting. I acknowledge his age. Trump, however, is only three years younger and, considering his physical condition and habits, he is older.

Why did the mediators allow Trump to lie? To be fair, the terms set for the debate format were to have “hands-off moderators,” which allowed Trump to accuse Biden without interruption or correction. Trump did not answer questions he used his time to repeat falsehoods, the mediators tolerated it at every turn.

There should have been a drug test.

In the preceding days, Trump accused Biden of planning to be hopped up on energy drinks and taking performance-enhancing drugs for the debate. Trump has a proven track record of accusing others of what he has done or plans to do. As such, I must wonder, did Trump take an infusion of peptides to achieve cognitive accuracy, helping him find words to express his lies more easily? Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to lessen stress and anxiety. Did he receive a B-12 injection for high vitality? Did he have Botox injections to reduce the perspiration he’s exhibited in other debates? Was his nose packed with Adderall, as usual? He brought up the subject of drugs, that is why I ask. And his lies flowed with more clarity than has been his norm. Many people are saying, he who smelt it dealt it.

This is the part that had me yelling at my television: Trump took credit for Biden’s accomplishments and either denied his own failures or accused President Biden of causing them. Donald J. Trump is a sociopathic liar.

Fact-checkers would have an easier job listing the truths Trump told during the debate, as his false statements vastly outnumbered them.

  • “After-birth abortion?” What (and I cannot stress this enough) in the flip is he talking about? That is so creative that Donald Trump said it twice. In no state is killing a baby legal. It does not exist. He is appealing to the gullible, isolated, uninformed voter. (I’m restraining myself here.)
  • As for the environmental crisis, Trump spoke of “the best water.” He rolled back the Clean Water Act, deregulated coal, oil, and gas companies and pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord. Trump dismissed scientists warnings that climate change had played a role in wildfires, the increasing intensity of hurricanes and flooding, deadly heatwaves, etc. He routinely proposed deep cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • We all recognize who changed the price of insulin, but Trump took credit. Biden decreased the price of insulin to $35. While Trump says he gave that to us, he will reverse the price cut if elected.
  • We remember January 6, and no, Nancy Pelosi did not refuse help. Trump is gaslighting the entire country.
  • Trump claims President Biden is a global laughingstock. The opposite is true. Biden has earned international respect.

President Biden’s track record speaks for itself. He has the respect of the world, whereas Trump was and remains an embarrassment.

A lot.

Trump will end the war in Ukraine by giving the country to Russia. Putin has said Poland is next, and then other bordering countries. He wants to restore the former Soviet Union. If he is not stopped now, in Ukraine, that war will spiral.

The last time he and Biden debated, Trump had tested positive for Covid, but kept it a secret. He didn’t have the decency to protect people in the room from his infection because he was still lying about it. Does anyone remember that?

This was intended to be a one-off debate. After Trump’s self — perceived success, he has agreed to a second. As happened four years ago, Joe had a weak first match, then bounced back for the remaining two. ABC News will host the second debate between President Biden and Donald Trump on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. 

The media will spin the debate in a way that draws the most viewers. They will not say propaganda is at work. President Biden is an ethical leader, while Trump is a vindictive liar. To quote Benjamin Franklin-

Well done is better than we said.”

I’m voting for the mature gentleman, not the former guy, convicted felon, who last night spent 90 minutes on stage gaslighting America.


8 thoughts on “Yes, I Watched the Debate

  1. As I posted today, the GOP had no similar impulse to replace its front (gag) runner when he committed multiple felonies. American principles do not tolerate the dismantling of its institutions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The entire Republican Party is complicit, and they confirmed that when they supported a convicted felon to be their presidential nominee. As a felon, a good part of the world will not give him entry, not even Canada. How is he going to be president if he’s only welcomed him into Russia, and our other adversaries?


  2. So Biden was frail and stumbled over his words. Did Trump answer any questions at all? Every time he was asked something, his go to response was, “Looping back….” and he responded to whatever Biden said. Why was he not called out on that? “Yes or no on accepting the election results if you lose in November?” Three times he was asked and never answered. Why was he not called out on that?

    This was not Biden’s best night, but the other guy was back to all he knows: lies, lies and more lies. There was a lot of fact-checking online after the debate. I hope people read it and realize between the lies he spews and the crooks he surrounds himself with, he is still the same damn lying narcissist he was when he was elected the first time. A leopard never changes its spots.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trump did not answer one question. That’s his norm; he does what he wants to do. He has no intention of accepting the results. He’s already planning insurrection part two. ‪I wish the media would stop treating him like a normal candidate. He’s a felon and an imminent threat to our national security.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I didn’t watch, cannot tolerate the mad mango’s voice. It’s like sitting in a room for an hour with someone raking their fingernails against the blackboard. However, I was pissed long before the debate about the media coverage: they were acting like this was the Kentucky Derby and the facts, which you so eloquently articulated above don’t and by implication shouldn’t matter. This isn’t a horse race unless we let it be one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I struggled over whether or not I’d watch until the last minute. Once it started I couldn’t turn it off.
      I do remember the last series of debates three years ago, Biden was weak in the first then came back swinging.
      I’d vote for Biden’s toothbrush before I’d vote for Trump. The media is owned by the same faction that funds Trump and RFK Jr.
      The people who don’t follow politics need to start paying attention.

      Liked by 1 person

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