This Flocking Supreme Court

They answer to no one. They scoff at the will of 80% of the population. The Supreme Court just overturned a federal ban on bump stocks.


Bump stock was an instrumental gear used in 2018 by the Las Vegas mass shooter. Without it, he could not have fired over 1,000 rounds in a matter of seconds, injuring over 500 people and killing 60. Public outcry after that shooting was enough to pressure the former guy, Mr. Trump, to agree to a federal ban on the device.

It was a 6-3 Supreme Court decision to overturn the ban, and Trump reversed his stance and agreed with the SCOTUS. Shout out to the money laundering front, the NRA. He needs more starch to cover his legal fees.

Speaking of laundering, the irony of this ruling is rife. This week, Hunter Biden was convicted on three felony counts for not checking the correct box on a federal form to purchase a plain old-fashioned handgun that was in his possession for 11 days and never discharged.

These are the six Supreme Court justices who put bump stocks back on the streets.

Don’t start with me for being “sympathetic to an abuser who did vile things while under the influence.” If you read the entirety of yesterday’s long-winded post, you understand, my argument is with the selective nature of our justice system.

In more random news this week, Senator Lindsey Graham blocked Supreme Court ethics legislation.

Let me veer off to an entirely different subject. The Senate Judiciary Committee has just unveiled three more luxury trips taken by Clarence Thomas, gifted to him by his benefactor Harlan Crow. And no, Thomas did not list them on financial disclosure forms. The information obtained via subpoena:

  • May 2017: Private jet travel from St. Louis, MO, to Kalispell, MT, and a return flight to Dallas, TX.
  • March 2019: Private jet travel from Washington, DC, to Savannah, GA, and back.
  • June 2021: Private jet travel from Washington, DC, to San Jose, CA, and back.


What happened with the SCOTUS on presidential immunity, the reason Judge Tanya Chutkan cannot proceed with Trump’s 1/6 trial? It has been delayed again. The ruling is now set to be announced on June 20.

196 days have passed since Trump’s DC case was put on pause. Now, the earliest date Judge Chutkan could resume proceedings with jury selection is September 16.

Are you sitting down? Someone taped the Alito power couple expressing extremist views. 😧

Mrs. Alito on “feminazis.”

Samuel Alito’s Wife Goes Full MAGA in Secret Recording

In other news, former Sheriff Richard Mack, founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, thinks his hate group and other groups, like the Oath Keepers, are oppressed, “like Rosa Parks.” For the love of God, get this man a tiny violin!

Constitutional Sheriffs founder: Gun owners being are treated like Rosa Parks

I almost forgot to wish you a Happy Flag Day!

2 thoughts on “This Flocking Supreme Court

  1. Respect and trust are earned. The SCOTUS has made a 6-3 decision that the court is not worthy of trust or respect. They are not respected by either side. At this point only a mass resignation of all six so-called conservative justices could regain the court’s reputation. I say so-called because actual conservatism includes respect for institutions and the constitution. Money-Barrett couldn’t even list the rights given to citizens in the first amendment during her confirmation hearings, she belongs to cult where she is answerable to other people. Kavanaugh has received a significant amount of financial help from somewhere is very likely a rapist and appeared to be drunk during his confirmation hearings. Just the known corruption of both Alito and Thomas is sufficient that in the past they would have been forced to resign.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree. The problem is they don’t have the integrity to resign, and their lack of it is why we’re here. They just proved they don’t care what 80% of the public want.
      Congress has the power to force them out, but only with a majority vote.

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