Justice Alito [middle finger emoji, twice]

Supreme Court Justice Alito with his wife, Martha-Ann, the only woman in the country he doesn’t control.

Is spelling out “middle finger emoji” less offensive than using 🖕🏼? I flexed my vocabulary to class up this post. You’re welcome. Believe it or not, I often think words that would make a truck driver blush. Sometimes, like now, holding them in is challenging. If I were to pop the cork on these bottled up expletives, there would be no re-corking.

Why? Both branches of Congress have asked SCOTUS Samuel Alito to recuse himself from all cases pertaining to 1/6, Donald Trump, and election integrity. Senator Dick Durban, chairperson of the Senate judiciary committee, was first in line. Asking an unethical judge to do the right thing is a waste of time. We knew that, but it has been confirmed.

If you are unaware of Alito’s faux pax, it is this:

Days after the insurrection, he flew an upside-down American flag, and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag was flown outside his Virginia home last summer. Insurrectionists carried the Revolutionary War era flag on January 6th, and it now represents the Christian Nationalist wing of the MAGA extremists, theocratic revolution in America. Political neutrality is a requirement for the judicial branch.

He’s been guilty of this kind of conduct for years.


Alito is biased…

His response to the question about the flags, I’ll paraphrase:

My wife did it. I asked her to take them down, but she did not. It’s her house too, so she has every right to do that.


This is the man who initiated the end of women’s bodily autonomy.

In summation, this mfer tells all the women in the country what they can and cannot do with their bodies, but he can’t tell his wife to take down symbols of treason.

Anyway, Justice Alito has declined to recuse himself in January 6 related cases. Overthrowing our democracy is what he has been waiting for.

“Do something” has been trending on social media, directed to Congress. What can they do? They can impeach him. But, we learned how long that process takes. We also know that we need a majority to vote to have him removed.

Lifetime appointments with no accountability must end. Is there any other profession where a person can refuse to leave their job after being fired?

Sign me up for that job.

Justice Alito declines to recuse himself in Jan. 6-related cases — NPR

UPDATE: “Chief Justice John Roberts declines to meet with Dems on ethics concerns amid Alito flag flap.” SCOTUS corruption is widespread.


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