Felonious Trump Convicted at Last

Haha, x 43

“If they do this to me they can do it to you.”

Let’s break that down. Who are “they?”

Joe Biden did not make Donald Trump a convicted felon, nor did the Democratic Party or any liberal politician.

It was a jury of his peers, but to be fair, this stochastic terrorist has no real peers. The jury was made up of ordinary citizens, who didn’t ask to take part in the trial. They ignored threats of violence to do their civic duty. They listened and analyzed the evidence, then convicted Felonious Trump.

That said, “just remember” when altering business records, committing 34 felonies of financial fraud, to hush a porn star you had sex with while your wife was nursing your baby- to deceive the public as part of your lying campaign to win the presidency, “they can do it to you!”


Probation or prison? No one knows.

The latest orchestrated talking points coming from the Republican camp is to say this was political and blame at Biden. This is projection. Trump has voiced his plan to retaliate against political opponents and anyone who looks at him wrong.

He blames “the rigged court.” Of his impending criminal trials, the truly rigged court is presided over by Florida’s federal Judge Cannon, appointed by then *lame duck President Trump, who squats on the most serious case of treason, Trump’s theft and refusal to return top secret national security documents. Many are still missing, likely sold to our enemies. The C.I.A. has admitted to losing dozens of informants in a short period that aligns with Trump taking countless file boxes out of the White House with him when he finally left.

Lame duck: an official (especially the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor.

Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants (Published 2021)

Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in a federal penitentiary for related crimes. What is the disparity that has people convinced Trump won’t go to prison? He followed Trump’s orders and lied under oath. Trump refused to testify because he knows he lies. But like Charles Manson, Trump orchestrated the atrocities. Shouldn’t his sentence at least match those underlings he ordered to break the law?

Game, set, match!

“No venue change” waaaa “I only got 5% here.” What he’s saying is that only 5% of this district voted for him.

It would have taken only one juror to acquit him. He had a juror who relied on Newsmax for news. The twelve jurors were unanimous “guilty on all 34 counts.”

Trump should never have been president.

Wussup next? July 11th is his sentencing date. After they have sentenced him, his lawyers have 30 days to submit an appeal to an intermediate appellate court, the First Judicial Department of New York’s Appellate Division. If that fails, he can ask New York’s highest Court of Appeals, to consider the case, followed by the U.S. Supreme Court. However, neither of these higher courts is obligated to hear his petition. The entire process could take years. Hopefully, it takes long enough for us to expand the court.

None of his three remaining criminal cases are likely to move forward before the election. Not to say miracles don’t happen.

*POTENTIAL BONUS: There have been stage whispers of election interference charges brought against Trump, from Arizona.

He’s a felon, released pending sentencing. What has changed for him? Well, felons cannot have firearms. That said, why would he be provided access to the nuclear codes?

In some states, they lose their right to vote. New York felons can vote, unless serving time during the election.

Convicted felons face travel restrictions. Many countries around enforce strict immigration policies against people with criminal records. The World Population Review says G7 nations Canada, the United Kingdom and Japan have established protocols that prohibit entry to individuals with felony convictions. Israel and China imposed similar bans.

The word of the day is “accountability.” After a long lifetime of committing crimes without facing it, justice has been served.

Here’s Why Key Trump Witness Michael Cohen Was Sentenced To Prison

New York hates you.

‘Jail likely’: Legal experts celebrate Trump guilty verdict as a win for the rule of law

Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants (Published 2021)

Just for fun:

Bleach blonde bad built … MTG

One thought on “Felonious Trump Convicted at Last

  1. After partaking in some contemplation of the judge’s judgement, I’ve come up with a humble recommendation for sentencing of the rogue ex-president: 6 weeks incarceration, then 9 months probation.

    Perhaps he’d emerge from such a sentence with a healthy fear of God and the entire MAGA phenomena would purge itself with a revival of respect for rule of law.

    You never know.


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