House of Representatives Party Numbers Breakdown

If I had any patience, I would write this tomorrow because tonight, a headcount will be taken, and numbers likely shift in favor of the Democrats. It won’t change the majority but will bring the balance of power to a near tie. Check this post in the morning for an update.

And so it began, with eight co-conspirators.

Meanwhile, from the annals of ‘who cares’, extreme Trump supporting Republicans have started a petition, and garnered support of 68 House GOPers to co-sponsor a resolution formally expressing the sentiment of the House that “Donald Trump did not engage in insurrection.”

It is good of them to identify themselves, since they may not wear red hats in the Capitol Building. Yes there are a handful of individuals and a Neanderthal of for whom rules do not apply.

We watched the insurrection happen in real time. We saw the 2016 debate and heard Trump tell the proud boys to “stand back and standby.”

On 1/6, we heard him say:

“If you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore”

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.”

One of the three remaining criminal trials is the DC 1/6 trial, guided by Jack Smith.

Donald Trump is accused of inciting violence on that day; five individuals died. 68 members of the GOP are telling us we did not see what we saw.

How does that make you feel? It motivates me to vote them out.

Yes, I know Trump didn’t waddle over, joining the mob. But Charles Manson stayed at his compound while his underlings brutally murdered nine people on his orders in 1969. The state of California sentenced him to death. The difference is that Donald Trump wanted to go to the Capitol. He told the Secret Service to take him there, and they refused. That makes Trump more involved than Manson was in his crimes.

Party Breakdown

As of May …

The partisan composition of the U.S. House, 118th Congress, Party Members:

  • Democratic, 213
  • Republican, 217
  • Vacancies, 5.


  • Total, 435

Source: BBC News

I hope you weren’t eating.

On another note, this weekend that big hunk of man meat Rupert Murdoch married for the fifth time. He likes them young, but to be fair, he is 93; there are no women his age. And looks are deceiving; she is 67. That said, Murdoch controls Photoshop use by his media outlets who reported this story.

Will she be the one?

Source: The Independent

And finally, congratulations to Mexico‘s first female President, Claudia Sheinbaum!

House of Cards, Shuffle UPDATE

Republicans remain up by five.

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