Need Help With Your Blog?

Don’t ask me.

For anyone still following me after the past 24-hour deluge of my old posts, I thank you. A fruit basket is in the mail.

This is what started it all. 👇🏼

👆🏼This will be engraved on my tombstone.

Several days ago it started harassing me, like catcalls when walking past a construction site- pre-me-too and pre-me-old.

I thought I’m f****ing smart! I know some big words! I’m thinky! I can conquer this. I dusted off my decade-old laptop, plugged it in and let it update and power up for six hours. Then last night, when I should have been watching the debate, I was panicking because of my posts…

Writing paused for:

So now I’m typing blind. This bar is in my way.

…last night my posts disappeared— none of my 3k+ posts had content. The titles were still there, nothing else. It all appeared to have been deleted. I took a Xanax and approached the problem calmly, while half-listening to the debate, and by the way, I hate them all right now.

I realized every time I tried anything to restore my work I was publishing old posts as if they were new. That is why you good people who humor me with follows were bombarded with my past posts.

My daughter suggested I make the blog private until I fix it, to spare anyone who still follows me any further harassment. So, I figured out how to do that, and then I was locked out of my account, told there was no blog by that name. I guess private means private; I wasn’t invited to my own party.

I’ve been up most of the night, trying to restore 5.4 years of posts— they’re my babies! (Some I like more than others, but don’t tell them.)

Okay, well I lost about 10-20 of my older posts, and they’re the ones I love most because while I was trying to retrieve them, I was also trying to get fancy by putting them into a menu widget filed by subject matter. I was very diligently erasing my best work.

There is a lesson to be learned with every mistake, and this one was that I have limitations when it comes to technology.

If you can see this, you know I was able to reinstate my blog.

I hate everything, but nothing more than this —>👇🏼, my constant companion.

The tech-nerds at WordPress suggested I delete my blog and start over. 🙄 I pulled out a paper bag and took a few deep breaths. I.AM.OKAY.

I know precisely how my writing associate, Ernesto Hemingway, felt when his transcripts were lost. ”Write drunk, edit sober” may not be my style, but I will write again because I am his very definition of courage: grace under pressure.

”There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~EH

Anyway, I’m back, I’m sorry about all the notifications, and thank you for not kicking me to the curb— if you’re still there.

For the love of God.☝️🧐

7 thoughts on “Need Help With Your Blog?

    1. I have to fight with that banner to hit the reply button. It’s almost funny. There are worse problems, in fact I have worse problems, so i’ll try to enjoy the challenge. I just wanted to explain all the posts.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Lydia, I did receive the extra posts, but really no harm done. I realised it had to be the problems with your blog. Fingers crossed you can sort it out because it is very frustrating. Good luck

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Widgets, private blog……you know way more than I do, Lydia. Sorry for what you are going through. I had to laugh at the comment above ’cause when I saw all your posts this morning, I thought same thing, “Man, look at her go!”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know enough to get to get in trouble. 🤓 I think I know what I’m doing, so I charge ahead then regret it. I do this kind of thing a lot.
      One example- I took my dryer apart a few years ago to replace the rubber seal. The YouTube video was 5 minutes, but it took me 5 hours, and I ended up with a handful of extra parts. Short version of the story- they were important parts.

      But, I thank you for your confidence. I’m going to have to start cranking out posts at a faster rate. 🙃

      Liked by 1 person

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