Crazy Town USA

This news bears mention. In response to yesterdays midterm election… the one that resulted in a take over of the House of Representatives by Democrats, Donald Trump lost his sh!t and fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions was told to tender his resignation immediately. 

Just as fast, Trump appointed Mark Whitaker.


Whitaker is a wannabe Republican politician who has said: the FBI should have indicted Hillary Clinton for using personal email, Don Jr.’s meeting with a Russian operative who promised dirt on Hillary Clinton was fine, and he says Trump’s finances, including dealings with Russia, should not be part of Mueller’s scope. He believes Mueller has overreached his authority and has said he would “limit the Mueller investigation.”  Mark Whitaker takes charge the Mueller investigation immediately, and Rod Rosenstein is out.

The response by democrats:

Dems plan to bring in Mueller for televised hearings if Trump fires him: report

This move toward authoritarianism should alarm us all, but Rosenstein was seen leaving the White House calm and upbeat… not worried.

Mueller has planned for every possible move Trump could make. Whether Trump tries to fire him or not, he’s over, and he just accelerated his own demise. 

Will indictments be unsealed this week? How many is a better question, and will they include Trump crime-family members? 

I think so. What do you think?

10 thoughts on “Crazy Town USA

  1. Thank God the Dems got control of the House in light of this firing of the AG (which Trump couldn’t even do personally – Kelly had to do it) – imagine the scenario if the Republicans were still in control.

    This is yet another reason why the Dems have to go after this man wherever they can and at least Mueller will now get the full protection of Congress. Trump’s aim is to restrict his investigation snd control it like a puppet master – this must not be allowed to happen.

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